I have always tried to post non-controversial, good, encouraging posts on my blog. But this quote from Edmund Burke in a letter to William Smith in 1795 has gripped my heart today. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
I never thought I would see the day in my nation when a governor of a state would publically endorse the murder of a newborn baby. It is as though the evil of abortion has come to a new level. Therefore it is time for the Body of Christ to arise and speak out against the evil of abortion on a new, higher and louder level. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we must take a new stand for righteousness and justice for those who cannot speak for themselves. With new zeal, I am repenting for not speaking louder and therefore I am writing this blog and also sending it to all of the public officials who represent me as a citizen of Mississippi and the United States of America.
My Bible reading this morning was from Matt. 24 and Exodus 20. I suddenly realized how interconnected the two are.
Matthew 24: “Kingdom shall rise against Kingdom.”
Exodus 20: “The 10 commandments.”
The demonic kingdom of the ancient god of Molech is rising and demands the sacrifice of children (Leviticus 18:21; Leviticus 20:2-4). But the Kingdom of Heaven says “Thou shall not murder.” And the Kingdom of Heaven also releases Mercy and forgiveness.
I believe that abortion is murder, but there is also a deeper spiritual dimension to be considered: The worship of Molech demands innocent blood. When you see a nation that kills babies in these numbers (64 million since 1972) it causes you to think there is more involved than just the choice of one woman. The abortion industry has become the death mill for the sacrifice of innocent blood. This demonic principality always demands more, ever increasing the sacrifice. Like the grave, it cries “never enough!”
Across our nation there is innocent bloodshed: Some of it from women who have believed the lie of a ‘fetus, mass of tissue’ rather than a baby; Most from the well informed who understand all of the issues, yet still call for the sacrifice.
A baby is a baby at conception:
Jeremiah 1:3 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I sanctified you.”
A baby is a baby at 8 weeks pregnancy.
A baby is a baby at 9 months pregnancy.
A baby is a baby at birth.
A baby is a baby is a baby is a baby!
Forgive us Lord when we do not cry out against this atrocity!
Our voice matters and our vote matters.
If and when we go into a voting booth and vote for any candidate who is aligned with a platform that is pro-choice, abortion and murder, we will be held responsible because their vote speaks.
It speaks in the earth realm.
It speaks in the spiritual realm.
It speaks in the political realm.
This is a spiritual issue of “who will you serve?” Molech or the God who created the Heavens and the Earth? The King of all Kings, Jesus, or a demonic principality that demands innocent blood.
The blood of our King, Jesus the Redeemer, was shed for the forgiveness of sin. If you have found yourself agreeing politically, medically or spiritually with abortion either by encouraging someone to have an abortion, by having an abortion, or by voting for a political platform that supports it, I have good news for you. You can repent, be forgiven and turn from your wicked way. There is great mercy for you!
And Lord, have mercy on our souls, our nation and our churches.