I marvel at the wisdom of our God,
I marvel at the wisdom of our God.
Then I see the little lily pushing up the mighty sod,
I marvel at the wisdom of our God!
The Lord said “Let the weak say I am strong.”
But in my heart, I thought He’d said it wrong.
When I saw the little lily pushing up the mighty sod,
Then I marveled at the wisdom of my God. (author unknown)
This morning as I looked at my lilies, I marveled at their beauty, their elegance, and their size. I have wild orange lilies, Stella d’Ora’s, Stargazers, and Easter lilies. “Magnificence” is the word that comes to my mind as I have enjoyed them this year. It has been a good year for lilies.
At our church, we used to sing this little song. Somehow, it always brought courage to my heart when we were going through the birth pangs of planting a new church or a new ministry or even shifting courses in our present ministry. Change brings pain and so does birth. But after the birth, the celebration always outweighs the stress, the pain, and the lack of hope when the skies are dark.
As I sang this little chorus in my heart this morning, I realized it could easily apply to our culture, our nation, and even in our global community. We are in great stress, turmoil and pain. But I believe there is new birth, new wisdom on the horizon. Do I have answers? Absolutely not.
But this truth I do know:
- He will never leave us nor forsake us
- He has a plan
- He will give us courage and strength to do all things through Him
- And we will celebrate the birth of the new thing He is doing in the earth soon.
He keeps saying to me, “KISS,” Keep it simple, sweetie.
My question is, “What can I do today to help my community, my culture, my nation?”
The answer: The ARK, Acts of Random Kindness. Simply obey, and do the next thing.
Our God is so wise, and He can shift the nations through simple obedience, little acts of random kindness.
Today, I am cleaning my house and going to the garbage dump. Mmmm, maybe that is where I should begin: cleaning my spiritual house and taking all my stuff, (pain, hurt, misunderstandings, confusion- get the drift), to the garbage dump, the foot of the cross. That is where I will get the strength, the courage, the boldness, to listen and obey, one small act of random kindness at a time.
And, just as these lilies pushed up the mighty sod to become glorious expressions of His beauty, He will help me to push up against this stronghold in our nation so that His glory, His justice, His righteousness will be displayed to the earth, one lily/one act of obedience at a time
Yep, this has been a good year for lilies. And it is a good year for His magnificent Glory and wisdom to be seen through His body, His Kingdom in the earth.
sharonm bowie says
ARK. Thank you. Lovely lillies
Ruthie Young says
thanks Sharon!
Charlotte Merschbrock says
Well, at the end of a harried day, this is exactly what I needed. How simple and how beautiful, Ruthie! This pretty much says it all. Thank you for using your gift for words to help open our minds and hearts to His purpose and provision for us. I think I will be reading this often in the days to come!
Ruthie Young says
Thank you, Charlotte. Appreciate you
Amy George says
I love this, Ruthie. And I love you!
Terry says
So beautiful Ruthie! Thank you for you and letting God speak through you! Love you friend!
Ruthie Young says
thank you Terry! love you
Nancy Sleger says
So beautiful Ruthie, I had to share!!!
Ruthie Young says
thanks Nancy. Love you
Janet Orman says
Love you, Ruthie. Thanks.