I did a quick study of the word Darkness. There are three types of Darkness in the Old Testament. One use of the word ‘darkness’ is when the Lord used darkness as a shield to ‘hide’ the Israelites from Pharaoh at the Red Sea. He sent darkness between the two armies to protect His …
Our Lives, His Purposes – Ruthie’s Impressions
The Camels are Coming! Happy New Year 2012/5773
(Art work by James Nesbit of Prepare The Way Ministries) Today as 2012 draws to a close I’m reminded of the third blessing of Hanukah: Blessed art thou, Oh Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, Who has given us life and has kept us alive, and enabled us to reach this time of year again! 2012 was …
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NO ROOM?? Was the Holiday Inn full?
Did ‘no room in the inn’ mean an ‘oversight’ in the plan of God? Was the Holiday Inn booked solid and God forgot to make reservations? I’ve asked these questions and wondered at why, when the Father had taken such care to fulfill every word of prophecy in the old Testament, did he not provide a …
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“One Moment”
Oh! How I love our Father! His unchanging character, his word, and his amazing, breathtaking love which he lavishes upon us! I felt that love today as I took a walk out my back door to soak in the color of the leaves and the crisp chill of an autumn afternoon. I was astounded at the beautiful …
Every Good and Perfect Gift Comes from Who?
Redemptive Gifts Part 5-Giver (In this series we will take a quick look at the characteristics of each individual redemptive gift. Please see ‘Redemptive Gift’ in the menu at the top of the page for an explanation of “Redemptive Gifts” teaching.) Ahh! Givers! Delightful, charming, fun, stubborn, …
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Party looking for a place to happen! RG Exhorters
Redemptive Gifts Part 4-Exhorter (In this series we will take a quick look at the characteristics of each individual redemptive gift. Please see ‘Redemptive Gift’ in the menu at the top of the page for an explanation of “Redemptive Gifts” teaching.) Wonderful, exciting, noisy, glitzy exhorter! …
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